Saturday, May 11, 2013

Living on such sweet nothings...

If our love is insanity,
then why are you my clarity?

I think I've always taken it for granted, because I never really knew how hard it really is. This notion of holding someone's heart in your hands. You can feel it pounding, rushing with blood and life and hope and expectations. Then once you realise that all of those things lie literately in the palm of your hand ... it can be overwhelming, well at least it is for me. I've always ran away from it, but now that I have it, I'm scared that I'll never be able to live without it. I'm terrified that I'll lose it, then I won't be able to find anyone else to fill the void of my aching soul. Something that came out of nowhere, can leave the same way, right? Yet the catch is that this time around, I can't do anything about it. I am stuck in limbo, dreading its end, but secretly wishing I wasn't so dependant on it. We all know how this will unfold. I shall be broken and lusting for the love I threw away. There is no other alternative, no other way this story can reach its conclusion - the rise and inevitable fall of those stuck together, yet torn apart.