Wednesday, May 29, 2013

For the damned, the lost and the forgotten...

It was a strange moment for sure. I don't know why I felt so little when it happened. Maybe I was half expecting it. Though I did not shed tears, I need you to know how hard I tried to make it work. I don't think I've taken anything as seriously as I took being your one and only. Perhaps that was our downfall -  because as it is now clearly evident - I am the common denominator - I am the reason people seem to slip in out of my life easier than the waves crash against the shore. I wonder though, if the love we shared was real, why was it able to unravel with such speed? Is there something I'm supposed to learn from this? Or maybe something I missed? A beacon that would make sense of the way our paths uncrossed in an instant. Again the universe makes little sense, and the journey I was hoping to embark upon, is one I was never meant to walk.

As he laid his head to sleep, he was certain that tonight, after what felt like forever, she shall enter his dreams. And so he was transported to the beach, where they waved goodbye. He waited, so sure she would come. Yet as the sun was almost beneath the ocean, she was still nowhere to be found. Darkness covered the sky, and a grave chill went through his spine. Where was she? She should have been there, she should have helped him get through the pain. Yet he awoke without seeing her, and while he still hurt, he felt steady, he felt strong, he felt stable. It was in that very moment he realised that he doesn't need her anymore. He had survived worse, and so he shall survive this as well. A few inches taller and surely with a greater understanding of who he is, and who he wants to become.