Saturday, December 7, 2013

Every demon wants his pound of flesh...

He never imagined he would meet someone like you. Someone who so utterly resembles the first story he ever wrote that it's almost frightening. That's why he's fighting so hard and cares so deeply - for you are the first fragment of his imagination and the very last piece of this puzzle. Whether you fall together, or rise alone, this is surely the last tale that needs to be told before he is finally ready. It has been a long time coming, and even as the past comes crumbling down, the future has never felt so promising.

Once again I was not good enough for you to stay, for you to realise that I needed a friend more than ever - though now it seems as if these shackles were always meant to be broken. You are free of me, free of the burdens I placed upon you, free of the memories that we created together - free to be happy, as none other deserves to be.