Thursday, December 5, 2013

Love you like a love song...

I made a vow to wait until the end of this year. To wait until my heart was ready to beat again, to beat for someone else. Yet as it seems, that vow shall be broken, because not even I could have predicted that you'd ever come back into my life. When we first met, I thought you'd only be a passing ship, someone that would help me forget the memories that tormented my sleep, yet as it turned out, the potential of what we had the chance to be, haunts me unlike anything before. If this does not work out, I think you'll be the one that got away. That person I'll always look back to, and think; what if? What if I had fought harder, what if you'd stayed longer? What if we weren't so damaged and afraid? The story that is being written now is one I never imagined I'd be writing, but here I am, desperately trying with all my might to make you see, to make you realise that together, we're infinity.