Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our little space in between...

Every burden has been lifted. 
Every tear has dried. 
Every laugh has been silenced. 
Every sorrow has been forgotten. 
Every story has been told.

This is most probably the last you'll hear of me. I shall finish off this this year, then I think it will finally be time to stop. I have unravelled at my seams, and I have become everything I never wanted to be. I always believed that if I was patient enough, life would unfold in ways that would make me understand every setback and disappointment, yet as it stands now - absolutely nothing makes sense. I will not say goodbye, for I'd like to think we're above that. I'd like to imagine that we shall live on, and that we shall write stories and somehow, against all odds, be able to touch through the sheer willpower of our minds. Think of me when you are down - I shall be there to offer a comforting shoulder. Think of me when you'll be the happiest you've ever been - I shall be smiling right there beside you. Think of me when you have lost all hope - I shall be there to remind you that in order to be strong, you first have to be weak. Think of me often, think of me fondly, think of me as infinite.