Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Breaking my walls...

The biggest thing I gained in the last few weeks is that I've learned to choose my battles. I don't let little obstacles get to me anymore, and I have the ability to allow things to slide without making them seem like armageddon. I could be sad that I've lost people for the sole reason of reaching further than they even dare, and I could be angry because you never took the time to read my farewell letter, and that you left in the first place, but I've grown enough to know that I don't always need to have the last word. I don't need to care as much, obsess as much, say as much. Perhaps some things are best left unspoken and unfelt. I have also given up on figuring out the objective truth, because there really is none. There is my truth, and then there's yours - we both have the right to it, and we both have the right to be disappointed in each other because of it. And as the perils of love have finally lost all hold upon me, I feel as if I'm coming back to life - stronger than ever, taller than you might think, and far more zealous in my quest to prove you wrong, each and every one of you.