Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The dearly departed...

He was certain this sensation would have faded away by now. He was so sure because this feeling of invincibility, of complete and utter serenity cannot be a long lasting state, can it? He became what she foretold he would have to become if he ever wanted to fly. He transformed into a person who can vanquish his every demon. Someone who can say farewell to the people who gave him the best memories, and accept with grace that they have now become a memory all on their own. He morphed into a person who can do all of that, and not just survive, but thrive - transcend above the clouds and touch the sky. He stands as someone who rejects love that would be envied by all who saw it, just to be alone and perhaps one step closer to his wildest fantasies. He is now a man who can let go of the things not meant for him and embrace the past as it was, not as he hoped it would be. At long last he became the boy of your dreams, yet in the same moment, the boy who'll never again let his heart beat for anyone else but himself.