Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Alabama, Arkansas...
While I don't think of you a lot - when I do, it hits me unlike anything I've ever experienced. I imagine where you are, how you're doing, if you're happy and if you found someone to make you whole. I think of calling you just to say hi, but as it seems, life rushes so fast I can't even keep up with today. I think ... I think a part of me will always miss you, and I'm happy that is the case, for all it means is that what I felt was real. Even though we didn't really know each other, even though we never got to explore the world as only two souls intertwined into a single entity can, you will forever be someone I admire ... someone I love. I hope you do not mistake my silence for anger or resentment, because I have banished both long ago, but as we've learned time has never been on our side, and I guess I'm not strong enough to swim against the current. When you find yourself drifting towards thoughts of me, think of me as you would of the moon - perpetually in motion, yet always there if you need someone to understand.