Friday, October 24, 2014

Never shined so bright...

He is built from bricks of carelessness and crumbs, yet finds it impossible to navigate his new surroundings. He wonders if this is how happiness looks like. If he is being shown the life he swore he'd never lead, just so it will hurt so much more when it is taken away. He tries to be hopeful, but he feels as if there is something lurking in the background - something he cannot quite put his finger on. A shadow looming in the distance, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and tear down whatever may be left of his rotting soul. Even so, this is a story he wishes would continue forever, for it enables him to explore parts of this world he never thought would be his. He holds your heart, and you hold his in turn - both trusting that one will not squish the other, but gently caress it as it beats and hums and makes blood flow. Their fates remain intertwined and only the universe knows how their journey will end, perhaps lasting an eternity, maybe leading nowhere and everywhere at the same time, possibly being the greatest story told; you being the love of his life, and him, the love of yours.