Thursday, July 7, 2022

Break my soul...

I do what I can even though it feels like way too little and not nearly enough and not anything really in the grand scheme of things, and I say a prayer of thanks, talking to whoever or whatever might be listening from high above. I try to give my best without really knowing or even believing that it might somehow come back to me in some sort of karmic revelation. Whatever I'll be doing in the next few months, I primarily want to be sending small pieces of myself out into the universe. The biggest and brightest ones my murky soul can muster. It's the least I can do, based on everything I have been given. I can't really tell you where I'm sending all these scattered parts, but I know that when, once upon a time, they unexpectedly came to me, it was exactly when I needed it. So wherever it may land, I hope it lands somewhere useful. Somewhere no one would ever even consider.