Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How many roads must a man walk down...

Did you ever see one of those shows on discovery channel about beasts in the forest? There's always one so called "alpha male", the leader of the pack, the provider, the greatest badass in town. What you might not know is that we humans have them too...

You've all know them, you've all met them, you've all hated them, you've all wanted to be them...

It's funny, because one might think that we would have evolved past that, but in reality it is our status within the "pack" that truly determines our lives. Those lucky enough to be born with the confidence and natural afinity for leadership, usually carry the torch, and it is this torch that opens up countless doors that are otherwise closed shut...

I was never the "alpha male", and I highly doubt I ever will be. But a part of me feels jelaous. Not for the attention, but for all those doors I dream of entering...