Friday, May 1, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Did you ever look into a mirror and didn't recognise the person staring back at you? Ever had that happen for 4 years? I mean we all hear the stories how it's only a phase and how it gets better and how one day we wake up and it all magically seems ok...

Yet my reflection has been haunting me for an extremely long time and to be honest all those stories are full of bull. Things don't improve just like that, in fact they get worse. 4 years ago I thought it's all up hill from here. Boy was I wrong...

But I guess I can't complain about everything. There were moments when I believed, when I was hopeful, when I was confident. Now the question remains, where those glimpses enough to keep me going? Did they leave enough residue for me to be able to stare into a mirror and not think I'm a hazzard to myself?

Don't let me get me...