Friday, May 22, 2009

Star crossed lovers...

You probably didn't notice this, but this thing that is not a blog rarely touched upon the topic of "love". Just saying that word makes me want to delete everything, but I feel that this is important. Important, because I need to get it out of my system, I need to get it out; once and for all...

I was in love 2 times in my life. The first was a middle school crush that turned into so much more. It came at a time when I was at my lowest, at a time of mourning, at a time of sorrow. It ended with betrayal, leaving me with nothing, destroying what I had of my social status, ripping me of my pride, of my dignity, of my selfrespect...

The second time around was in highschool, and it started with something as trivial as a wave. She waved, and for a moment, even for just a moment I saw Her - the person I lost so many years ago. And of course all the tibits of the universe had to intervene and make me mess it up, leaving me as bruised as ever...

So now here I am, picking myself up while both of them remain somewhere in my heart and as long as I allow myself to move on, I guess it's ok for them to be there. Reminding me of what I lost, of where I've been, and how far I still need to go...