Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The shoe that changed everything...

Today seemed like any other day, until something as trivial as a shoe raised it to a day of redemption, a day of katarsa...

She who shall not be named, wore a shoe, which is decorated by a quite straight forward question: are you happy? And yet it is that very same shoe that I could not take my eyes of for over an hour...

It was like some karmic force was baiting me, taunting me...

After staring into the shoe I realised something about myself. I don't know what makes me happy. I don't even think I can recognise the feeling of being happy... Maybe I got it all wrong, maybe the path I walk is indeed in the wrong direction...

So what am I left with at the end of the day? Hope? A new challenge? Both? Or nothing at all? Just a faint memory of that damned shoe...