Thursday, September 17, 2009

A grim discovery...

I was asked the most intriguing question today. If you could kill anyone, anyone at all and get away with it, who would you kill? I guess most of us like to think that our answer would be that we wouldn't kill anyone, because killing is so morally wrong, that we couldn't do it under any circumstances. But the more I thought about the question, the more I realised how disturbed my mind actually is...

As humans we like to think that we're socialised, civilised and that our rationality is what separates us from savage animals. But the truth is that we're no better, because we still really on our instincts, we keep folding under our urges and like animals we live in a society where only the fittest survive and more often than none our success comes at the price of another persons misery. So just like animals, it is in our nature to kill our enemies, to fight of our predators, to protect ourselves and the people we love. The only thing that's stopping us from crumbling underneath our basic instincts is that we're afraid of the consequences that we might not be able to handle...

There is no other deeper meaning to killing and death. We try to rationalise it with things like motives, but really, there is no such thing as a motive. I mean we see cases where people kill, because of something as trivial as an ipod. We tell ourselves that there's no way a human being would kill someone else without a concrete reason, a concrete motive. We do that because we simply don't want to admit that in reality there is no other reason to kill besides the urges that control us, the instincts that we succumb to as animals...

So to answer the question. If I could get away with killing anyone, anyone at all. I'd kill anyone, anyone at all...