There's really nothing better than gazing up into the sky, filled with an endless stream of stars, while having a certain smokable substance in your hand that makes everything seem so, simple. The stars represent an endless stream of possibilities, to connect, to reach out to one another, to form bonds that make our life meaningful. At least that's what we like to think...
But in essence, all we're doing is running away. Fleeing from the cruel realities of our world, from the harsh circumstances that the universe has put us in and most of all we're running from ourselves. We can run as fast as we can, as long as we can, but at the end it will always catch up to us. The second the effects of the magical substance wear off, it's all over. We crash back faster than we escaped. And that moment, when you hit rock bottom, hurts like hell...
The sad thing is that knowing all of this, doesn't stop us from escaping, of giving in to the addictive nature of using something, anything, to forget how much the world isn't fair. How much we hate the things we do and how much we try to change who we are. The stars are comforting. Our addictions are rejuvenating. And if all that means I can get up in the morning, then nothing can stop me from running for my life...