Why do I want to be great? Because the road sure as hell isn't easy. There always seems to be something standing in your way. Like a wall that you need to puff your lungs out to tear down. Sometimes it's even yourself. I don't have the perfect answer. At first it was about making my family proud, about making her proud of me. Then it was about changing lives. Touching the lives of others in a distinct way that makes them realise how special they truly are...
The truth is that I can't pick just one reason. I want to be great for all those reasons and a million more I haven't even thought of yet. Luckily I'm surrounded by amazing individuals, who are talented and they all strive for excellence. Then there are the new friends, the ones I meet along the road, that make it all a little easier to handle...
During my quest, there is bound to be collateral damage. I can't avoid letting people down. Sooner or later things start to unfold in a twisted way and all of a sudden you realise that you've failed at something, be it a task or a relationship. We get as much as we give. So I've decided to give a lot, then give a little more, to give until it hurts...