We assume the really serious changes in our life happen slowly, over time, but it’s not true. The big stuff happens in an instant. Becoming an adult, becoming a parent, becoming great. One minute you’re not and the next, you are. Ask anyone, and they can point to the one moment that changed their life. Whatever it is, nobody forgets it. Sometimes you don’t even know anything has changed. You think you’re still you and your life is still your life. Then one day you look around and you don’t recognize anything, not anything at all…
You never forget the moment you become great, or the moment you realize you’ll never be. You'll always carry it with you. Like a scar that never heals. The pain never goes away. It's always going to be there, reminding you of what could have been if you had the courage to jump...
A switch fliped today and suddenly everything doesn’t make sense anymore. All that I’ve worked for disappeared and I found myself completely alone. Just as I was, just as I’ll always be…