I found myself in a world which seems so familiar it's scary. Everyone is so very different yet at the same time we are able to come together as never before. I face one last challenge before it all ends. The really peculiar part is that I'm not nervous, I feel prepared, capable and above all I feel like this is finally my time to even out the playing field once and for all...
I only wish I had others to share this with. No one really understands, though some of them try, they cannot grasp what is at stake. I can't really blame them, not everyone chooses the path I did, not everyone has the strength or weakness, depending on how you look at it, to rise up and start working towards something, anything that can change your life in every way possible...
So here I am again. Exactly where I promised myself I would never be. Amid people that disgust me, that hate me and that make sure to tear me down every chance they get. Oh how I wish that wouldn't be true...