Monday, November 8, 2010

There's a man who's telling me I might be dead...

It's not about where you go. It's about what you do when you get there. I realised that today and as so many times before, I didn't even see it coming. As I watched you disappear into my head I finally understood why I never really needed to be saved. I don't know what I've done to me and I don't know what I'm into, but I can't help thinking that the next 4 years are going to answer more questions than I ever thought possible...

My one mistake, was that I let you down. I was supposed to be better, you deserved better. Maybe if we met at a different time, when I was ready. Maybe I wouldn't have been so afraid. Now as I gaze onward, into the future, so many things are uncertain, so many things are out of my control. Some call it freedom, others a cage, for me it's a promise. A promise to myself, that when I'll know someone is right, that someone is the one, I won't find excuses to not make it work...

So here I am again. Putting myself out there. Tomorrow I find out if I have what it takes. I want to enforce progress, I want to lead, I want to change the world around me. A few weeks ago, those were just dreams of a lost teenager. Now, as I'm taking actual steps to be who I set out to be, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy. Even if I don't make it tomorrow, I know I'll find another way, because really, this is what I was meant to do, this is who I was meant to be...