Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He's coming to take the pain away...

I dont think I've ever wanted to kiss anyone as much as I want to kiss you. You are by far the biggest crush I've ever had. And I know I sound like a sappy teenager but what I feel transcends reason. Have no fear, I shall survive this too, even though I'm quite certain it will hurt unlike anything before. There is literally nothing I wouldn't do for you right now, and I realise that makes me weak and fragile but I can't help myself. I give to you my heart. Eviscerate it, if you so please. For it does not matter what you do, because the simple fact that I was able to find someone who makes me feel alive again, is enough. Tomorrow can wait, because tonight, I am dreaming of you.

As the saying goes, every road comes to an end, but sometimes the end feels just like the beginning. Even when you think you've come a long way you can suddenly find yourself right back where you started, because every journey is frought with twists and turns, and one false step could spell disaster. But no matter what, you still have to stay the course and forge your own path. There's no going back now. And it looks like this one, is going to be the ride of my life.