Saturday, November 5, 2011

You won't get to see the tears I cry...

For the last couple of months I've been in what I like to call an intensive yes-phase. Meaning that I basically say yes to everything, especially things I would normally never even consider. It hasn't really worked so far, and come to think of it, most situations ended in disaster, but I'm sticking with it. Because you never know when a simple yes can completely change your life. Be it a blind date, a weekend getaway, a new friend, a new opportunity to write, I just go for it. Something has to hit, right? I've realised that when the universe is giving you the middle finger, all you can do, is give it right back. And while you may find regret behind my green and hazel eyes, you shall not find selfpity. Even though I'm barely hanging on, I can't pretend I'm not having at least a little bit of fun. If I lost my ability to laugh at myself, then I would truly be hopeless. So when I think there's really nothing more that can go wrong, and then something more does, I just look up to the sky, and smile. For there is no greater victory than finding amusement in your downfall.

Hodila sva tako dolgo, dokler nisva pozabila na čas. Pred nama se je razprostiralo širno zeleno polje. Spodaj je dražilo kolena, zgoraj je žgečkalo rdeče nebo. Najini čuti so pridobili še dimenzijo tega travnika. Brez vsakršnega dvoma sva vedela, da takšen kraj preprosto ne more biti z našega sveta. Narava ni dovolj ustvarjalna, da bi se spomnila česa tako osupljivega. Spleteno je bilo iz mladostniške domišljije, poletne vročice in esence poželenja. V vsaki bilki je sijal delček naju - intenzivno, a nekako neprisotno. Odsev najinih duš morda. Strmela sva v življenje samo, prostrano in neokrnjeno. Lahko bi prišla do konca, otipala njegov rob, celo odkrila nekaj povsem novega. Raje sva gledala drug drugemu v oči. Življenja naju je bilo še strah.