Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I'll be bold as well as strong...

As he pushes himself to the extremes, and as surging pain rushes through his body, it is clear another metamorphosis is upon him. He has shed the mistakes of yesterday, and suddenly, without warning, a different person is staring at him in the mirror. He does not live for today. He lives for the future - for the man he'll one day become. It may be far away, and he knows he'll never get these moments back, so all he can hope for, is that the view from the top will be worth it. Opportunities slip by, old friendships fade away and while he is never alone, he is surely always burdened by the present, which so loudly demands to be lived. He will remember these times as those that changed him the most - the moments he will either rise to the occasion or land beneath the rubble. Come ruin or rupture, come hell or destruction, he is as ready as he'll ever be, and as foolish as he'll never be again.