Saturday, March 10, 2012

He opens his mouth, but words don't come out...

Sometimes the urge to curl up in a fetal position and lie in bed all day is just too much to ignore, so we find an excuse, anything really, and we do it. Because the realisation that you just might be in over your head can no longer be denied. It's hard to admit, but they were perhaps right, but I'd like to think it's way to early to tell. For this journey has just begun, and the current of my life has yet to lead me astray. If not here, then tell me, for hell's sake just tell me, where?

There comes a time when the world goes quiet and all you can hear is your heart, so you'd better learn the sound of it, all it's quirks and leaks, otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying. And the danger of that is you may one day wake up somewhere you don't recognise, you don't really want to be. But alas, that is how things go, and living has never really been about making the right choices, but maneuvering yourself through all the bad ones. So if this is our last goodbye, know that you have given me more to live for than you shall ever know.