Thursday, March 15, 2012

They say the world was built for two...

It's not that anything is wrong, it's just that, as I'm sure you know by now, I'm impatient as hell. I want to sprint through the experience and get to the peek of the mountain, even though I realise the climb is what makes it all worth it. This is the part of the story that's most important to live, yet hardest to write. I've always dreaded it, yet every single time, in hindsight of course, it's been the chapter I would most love to repeat. The settling in, the discomfort with ones self, the agony of adjusting to a completely new existence, you can't really describe those feelings, you just have to trust yourself enough to endure them. It will pass, and we shall laugh at the memories of a time when nothing felt right, yet everything sort of was.

I walk through these empty and foreign streets, and I wonder, is it by mistake or design? My heart breaks with every step I take, because each one takes me further from home. Sometimes life is just not enough and the road gets tough. So we get high and try to carry on. We take a stroll on the wild side, in the pouring rain, like we're insane. We are blind, and we hope that one day we shall see again. Until then, we gaze into each other's eyes and choose our words carefully. This is our last time, because baby, you and I, we were born to die.