Friday, March 2, 2012

My life belongs to the other side...

It's a strange sensation, thrusting yourself into a destiny void of any certainty. One second you're going about your normal life, then you're suddenly standing at a train station in an unknown country, thinking about everything you left behind. Friends, family, a whole existence you were used to living, and now it's just gone. The exhilarating part about everything, is that I'm not sad about it, and I don't lose sleep thinking if I made the right choice. Because I've realised that in times when I find myself wondering what could have been, all I need to do is listen to my heart, which always, without question or doubt, screams the truth - freefall has never felt more ... right.

Dreaming is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It is for the those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a future that might never come. It is for those who have the patience to wait for events to unwind and don't rush into the fold. It's for those strong enough to endure rejection and for those who have the willpower to overcome the most dreadful of fears. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it enough. It's for the reckless and the young at heart. It's for those who stand up even when everything falls apart.