Sunday, July 14, 2013

Candy with pork and beans...

Sometimes I'm still such a mystery to myself. Why do I feel the way I do? And most importantly, why do I always find it so difficult to move on? I think it's because I have these stories in my head - how my life is supposed to unfold, when I'm supposed to meet certain people, and when I'm forever supposed to let go. Then if something, or someone, comes along that changes the trajectory of those stories, I lose touch with my rationality and stubbornly try to go head first through a brick wall. But what I've realised is that the best outcomes on my journey have come from the unexpected, from the times my pen was taken from my hands, and used to forcefully write page after page of unpredictable plot twists and scenarios. So because of this, I have decided to take a break, a break from this thing we created, and perhaps never coming back at all. I have decided to let go of the handle, to let go of the steering wheel, to let go of my pride, of my pain, of my self doubt, of my inherent vanity, of my fear and of my obsessions. I have decided to let go, and while I have no idea where I'll end up, it will surely be closer to where I'm meant to be, to who I'm meant to become, closer to places I've always wanted to see.