Monday, July 29, 2013

The crownless again shall be king...

I'm not sure where this is heading, I just know that I'm curious how this story will unfold. It feels as though it's bound for disaster, yet I can't shake the thought of it working out the way I dream. Maybe just this once. You seem like someone I could care about, and I think we've walked similar paths. Perhaps now that they've collided, we can guide each other towards a common destiny. You might not be anything I've imagined, but really you're so much better, because you're real, you're raw, and as you're standing beside me, I can recognise myself in your smile. I may not be ready to open my heart just yet, but if nothing else, you've managed to ignite a small flame, one that can rise and gain momentum as quickly as it came to life, or it can burn out like so many others before. I dare not predict the outcome, but for the first time in my life, instead of dreading the end, I'm enjoying the ride.

He has wandered for too long. He had lost his kingdom and was convinced he no longer deserved to wield the power his throne had secured him. He was lost in a dark forest, searching for a way out, all the while never realising that all he needed to do, was look up at the stars, and let them guide him home. He did not change much. To the naked eye it wouldn't be evident at all. Yet those who knew him better than he ever knew himself, will see the subtle differences - how his rough edges have soften, how his eyes carry less sorrow, and how his step seems taller. Everything around him is morphing into its greater form, evolving beyond past limitations. Can you feel it? Can you feel the wind brushing your cheeks, reminding you that the world is such a magical place? If not, then come here, and be reminded of it - each and every single time.