Monday, July 8, 2013

The answers to the tangled knot...

Obdrži sanje, ker mogoče jim še kdaj slediva.

Today, as he embarks towards the ocean, the seaside that saved him each and every time before, he hopes the waters and the waves will completely heal a heart wounded by the blows of his mistakes and the damage inflicted by others. He will become better, kinder, gentler, he just needs time. And then when all of you look upon him as he returns a transformed man, you will feel a surge down your spine, a sparkle in your heart and warmth in your soul, all of which will undeniably mean that the boy you once knew, the boy you once loved, is gone. He will emerge before your eyes anew, someone you won't quite recognise yet will instantly feel you could love more profoundly than ever, and understand with a greater sense of who he is. The metamorphosis is well under way, and while he is sure to survive, he is sad that those who left him, those he will always love and cherish, won't get to be by his side and experience it first hand. You will be merely distant spectators, watching him, finally, touch the sky.

In the end, we are all stories. Either those whispered with resentment and regret or the ones that sound like fairy-tales. I guess I'll never know where I fall with all of you, yet I really need you to understand that in my mind, what I went through with each and every one, is a saga I'll always find worth telling. My life has been a series of words which formed into sentences, then into paragraphs, chapters, and before I could even fully grasp it, there was a whole book in front of me. The book of life, love, death, sorrow, pain and happiness all sown together in one single entity - one I am joyful to share and even more euphoric to have endured. One I will one day, when I am old and frail, read to my offspring. One I will look back to when I need to be reminded that all I need, all I ever needed, was my heart and soul spilled on pieces of paper, telling me that somehow, I am exactly at the right place, at exactly the right time, and in order for everything to work out, I just need the patience to let it.