Monday, August 11, 2014

Letting it play out...

Forever is just a series of nows.

As I maneuver between the life I have been given and the life I have always wanted to live, to breath, to make my own, I once again find myself re-examining the people walking beside me - the role they play, the joy they bring, the sorrows they vanish, and strangely enough, I am quite possibly exactly where I've forever been, where I have laid dormant since the beginning of this journey - at the precipice of change. What awaits are impossible choices, some I shall probably regret, others I will welcome with open arms. It seems the universe holds no understanding for pause, and simply rushes through, propelling you forward if you want to or not. As I brace for impact I wonder if perhaps all my dread has been for nothing? If there is certainty in her words, and if at long last, the boy who jumped, will fly?