Thursday, August 28, 2014

The web that we weave...

From nothing to something,
from liking to loving.

There are days like this one when things simply work out. I just need to learn to have the patience to let them. That has been my biggest flaw so far. I want things now and I want them the way I imagined - but as I've come to obviously realize - life doesn't work that way. Solemnly do we get the things we want, and even more rarely so when we want them. It's all a game of pretend; who cares more, who has more to lose, more to gain. Loving you has been one of the most profound milestones of my life, for now I can truly say that I've experienced it, even though I might lose it tomorrow. As long as I do my best to calm the tempest that rages through my insides, I think I could make it. For the first time I feel like I am destined to have it all. A great love standing beside me as I live the life of my dreams. Your hand in mine, as we fly towards the moon, and gaze at the stars.