Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pull me up onto dry land...

V meni je takšna žalost in ne vem, zakaj.

As sinking sand envelops my entire body, and I start drowning in an endless stream of improbable and inconceivable dreams, the world starts shaking beneath my feet. Why have we been given this life? Why exactly now, why not some other time, some other place, some other universe? I ponder the reasons I am me and you are you, and if there is any force in this world that might allow us to change places, even if for just a fraction of a fraction of a second. Not because I would crave a different existence, but solely for the fact that I wish to understand. I wish to understand you, so that I may become a better me. I want to see the world as you see it. I want to experience how you feel raindrops on your face, scorching sun on your fingers and wind blowing through your hair. I want to see how you see me, how you see yourself, how you see the things I don't, the places I never will. I guess I want to be you, just to figure out if I'd be happier, if I'd be able to let go.

He shall die as will all of you. As will the man who greets him in the morning, as will the child crossing the street, as will the birds waking him from uneasy slumber. That is what he is here to explore. We are all hurtling towards death, yet here we are for the moment, a brief instant in time, alive, knowing that most of our time is spent being dead or not yet born. We stand tall, above all else and contrary to all evidence, as sentient beings, who realise they shall perish, yet each one of us secretly believing we won't. That somehow we are the exception to the rule, the one single person who can change the dogma of mortality, and will defy every single law in order to prove that he is indeed special. And as the end is built into the beginning, he acknowledges that you have been a part of him since forever. He breathes your names in every exhalation and you, all of you, are his belief that somehow, against all odds, he will make it.