Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't nobody want you...

Life is precious, or so I've heard. I know now that everything that has happened was just me running away. It was like a shadow, a reflection in the mirror, a look which was so immensely shallow that it stroke right through my body into my heart. Maybe it's good that you're gone, that you showed your true colours. Maybe it was meant for you to silence me and strip away all I was willing to give...

We've come a long way, haven't we? You and me - we can move mountains. All I want to do is look through your eyes and see the world you live in. I want to gasp every breath you take. Me and my dreams, huh? I really don't know what I would do without them. All that is not enough I guess. The funny thing is that it never was. I always think it is, but I'm proven wrong time after time...

Life is precious, it truly is, yet we only see it, when we are able to share it with someone else. The hard part is finding that someone, anyone who is willing to come along for the ride. I've wondered this for quite some time now. If two people are meant for each other, is the ride suppose to be easy or hard? Are you suppose to fight for what you want or does it come naturally? Is it filled with drama or is it without burden? I don't know and I have a feeling that you don't either, but then again that's why I have this thing that is not a blog, so maybe one day, I can find out...