Monday, March 22, 2010

Glorious bastard...

All of us struggle through something. A broken heart, shattered dreams, the first cut. But you'd be surprised what people can live with. We can do the most atrocious deed, yet we somehow manage to find a way to recover, to forgive ourselves and continue on the path we set on. We can live with a lot of things, but there's one thing almost no one can handle - murder...

I'm not talking about the homicide where you take someone's life. I'm talking about the one where you take someone's soul, their heart and you grind it into dust. We don't do it on purpose. Well we usually don't. It just sort of happens. We find each other in what seems like a perfect situation, then something changes, we change, they change. It doesn't have to be a big change, just enough to send you over the edge. If you ask me, breaking someone's heart hurts a lot more than you yourself getting broken into pieces. Knowing that you destroyed someone, that you took a way a fragment of their very essence, is something I simply cannot bear...

I don't hurt people on purpose. At least I like to think I don't. But when I inevitably do, I try my best to make amends. Asking for forgiveness is hard, but sometimes that's all we have left - a sorrow mind and a corrupted body, which cry out those dreadful words: I am sorry...