Friday, August 6, 2010

As long as the wrong feels so right...

I could never tell you what really happened. I can just tell you how it feels. And to be honest sometimes I'm so ashamed, that I simply snap, and when I do, it's awful. I can't breathe, it's like I'm in a fight with myself. So drunk from the hate, that I nearly sufficate. And right before I'm about to drown, she rescues me, and I tell myself I hate her for it. But really, all I want to do, is run back to her, and to all the things she helped me achieve...

From now on I'm going to stand here and wait until something happens. I know we said things, did things, that we didn't really mean and we keep falling back into old patterns, the same routine. But if you think about it, we're really the same. All of us. When it comes to things like love and happiness we're all blind. I'm tired of our games, there won't be a next time. Guess we should go our seperate ways. It seems like the healthy thing to do. If only the moments we get lost in wouldn't feel so fucking good...

I'm a liar. But don't you just love the way I do it? Most of you would never know. She did though. Right from the start. It's about that time of year again, when I can't stop thinking about her. However I don't long anymore, I just remember the good times and the bad ones don't feel so bad anymore. Time changes a lot of things. It sure as hell changed me. Yet there's one thing that remains the same. My lasting desire to make a difference...