Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yesterday is over, it's a different day...

I've noticed that I can get used to a lot of things, if given enough time. Yet there's something, I realised, I can't live without. I'm not going to tell you what it is. I mean, where's the fun in that? But just know, that whatever you go through in life, there is that one regret you'll carry with you till the end of dawn, which will always feel like it could have changed your life. And you're right, it could have...

This is not goodbye or a fuck you speech. All it is, is what I feel needs to be said. She came into my life and gave me joy and love and she received both in return. A lot of the memories I will cherish forever, some I can't wait to forget. But most of all we showed each other that there will come a time, when we can both eventually let go. We were very different yet the pieces somehow all fit together...

I have come to realise that destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bless them, and I find myself wondering why - out of all the people in the world I could have ever loved, it had to be you. Now I'm left lying here, alone in the dark, seeking the answers I so desperately need. You just need to know, there is no apology that can make it better, or I would have said something a long time ago. It is what it is. It was what it was. And sooner or later, we're going to have to accept it. But that doesn't mean I'll give up that little piece of hope I have left. Because what are we, after all, without our memories, without our dreams?