Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nobody saw him fall...

It is life, I think, to watch the stars. One can learn so many things. It isn't about surviving the hardships that come your way. It's about understanding them. I was wrong. It wasn't over. It still isn't over. But with that realisation came another one. Sorrow is a large river and you can't swim against the current. You just have to try your best to not get swallowed by the sheer magnitude of the watery abyss...

Day and night are connected in a way that very few things are. There cannot be one without the other, yet they can't exist at the same time. How would it feel you ask? To be always together, yet forever apart? You have to experience it, to truly grasp its meaning. And I really wish, you would never have to know...

If you ask me, writing isn't to be analysed. It is meant to inspire without reason, to touch without understanding. And when it fails to do that, it no longer serves any purpose. You are not a writer until someone tells you that the words you created changed their life. And as I sit here and wonder what's to come, I can finally accept that I failed, because knowing that, doesn't change the fact that I managed to save myself in the process. And in the end, I know I'll do the right thing, even if it's hard. You may call me a dreamer or a fool, but that won't change my belief that still, after everything that's happened, anything is possible...