Friday, March 28, 2014

Bombs over nowhere...

We never really think about our mortality until it's laughing in our face, mocking out inherent inability to deny its existence. No one ever tells you that once the timer of your life has been set, there's little one can do but pout and moan, all the while knowing that nothing will change the fact that death shall come knocking soon - sooner than we ever expected. Fight or flight holds no sway here, as in the end, all of us lose, all of us dissipate into nothingness, into a darkness that can never be lit.

It only takes one person, one moment, to change your life forever. To change your perspective, to colour your thinking, to force you to re-evaluate everything you think you know, and to make you ask yourself the toughest questions. Do you know who you are? Do you understand what has happened to you? Do you want to live this way? Once a choice has been made, it can never be taken back, and while we'd like to imagine how our lives would be different if only we would have tried a little harder, if only we could have held on for a little longer, if only we'd said the right words, instead of staying silent and letting everything fall apart - the truth is, there is no butterfly effect and we'll never really understand how things might have turned out. There is no hidden meaning in the past, only memories slowly being forgotten, and people we once loved, becoming people we knew, and people we knew becoming people we'll never know again.