Thursday, March 13, 2014

Try again, fail better...

I need to let go of all my preconceptions about how my life is supposed to look like. I made these rules for myself so long ago that now they don't make sense anymore. I'm trying to go head first through a brick wall, even though I could jump over it with ease. I guess I can't become who I'm meant to be, if I don't accept that I might not be who I've dreamt of, but perhaps someone completely different, someone really true. I'm scared because so many things aren't working out the way I planned - and it's not that my life is bad, it's not bad at the least - it's just that I don't recognise my surroundings, yet they feel perfectly perfect for me. There is so much magic in this world, I only need to let it in. I shall love when I feel it, let myself be loved, when I need it, and lust for life as much as I possibly can. Because I realise I will never again have these opportunities, never again will I see the world as uniquely as I do this very second, and while I might stumble and fall and bruise every bone in my body, I shall do so with a grin on my face, and the satisfaction of knowing that I have lived every moment of my every day.