Sunday, March 30, 2014

Shooting flares to the sky...

This is a letter to everyone who ever thought of me as their friend, to those of you who gazed into my eyes and wondered if I was the boy of your dreams, to anyone who's ever wished upon a star for me, who's known my darkest corners and brightest of reflections. I just wanted to say that even though our stories have taken different turns, and our paths shall probably never cross again, I think of you everyday before I go to sleep. I think of you as the sun starts drowning and the sky is enveloped by twilight. I think of you when I'm about to make a mistake - I imagine what you would have to say, what kind of advice you would give, and how you'd react when I'd inevitably go ahead and make the wrong choice. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I haven't stopped loving you. Every single one of you fills my heart with endless passion for the life we shared. I realise that my mind is my greatest arch-enemy, as it won't let me forget, yet against reason and hope, I conjure fantasy upon fantasy, dream upon a dream and story upon story. Maybe they'll come true - just this once.