Saturday, March 15, 2014

Places I never thought I'd go...

The straw that broke the camels back was like a tidal wave - it came out of nowhere and it hit with such force and magnitude that he barely made it home. He cannot remember the last time he cried, yet as sunrise illuminated his way, tears seemed to have been never ending. He screamed for them to stop, but then he realised that there was no one to hear his call. The universe has given up on him, and he was finally forced to admit that the break he needs to fly away is always out of reach and will remain a dream of dreams until the end of his days. 

Stop reading, I beg you. I cannot do this anymore, yet as long as you are here, I feel compelled to continue. Every word written down makes me feel like I have failed all over again. There is no salvation for me. There is no hope or means of redemption or possibilities to transcend. I have become what I have always feared - as ordinary as one can be. There is no more light in my eyes, no more resolve to claw through the rubble I created to grasp at a fantasy I can't even remember phantoming. Please, you need to let me go, because I can't do it myself. I am weaker by the passing second, and all I can think about is how pathetic me writing this really is. I have no options. No window I can climb through, no sledgehammer I could use to tear down the door. All that is left is a heart which was broken into a thousand tiny pieces, and fleeting tenacity to glue it back together.