As I take steps to once again undergo a metamorphosis into whatever new version of myself I end up with, I am knocked down by the realisation that shedding my addictions will be far harder than I imagined. We take for granted the little things that control our lives - from the most trivial distractions to those who take away our soul with full force and magnitude. One by one I am letting go, and while it feels as if there is less of me with each passing moment, I somehow know that I'm becoming a person of greater substance. I will familiarize myself with all aspects of life, even the ones I swore I'd never experience. There is so much to learn, to observe, to let sink in that I find myself losing breath. Yet the most important lesson I've embraced is that sometimes I just need to shut the fuck up. Not everything has to be said or revealed, because as long as I feel it, and understand why, I can dash forward without making a spectacle of things. I'll let it pass, I shall hold my tongue, then all of them will think that I've moved on.