Sunday, March 9, 2014

I still call it magic...

There is no passing of time, no amount of struggle or change or defeat, no magnitude of failure or success that would ever diminish you. There are no more emotions, even memories have faded, yet you are what you've always been. His first love. His admission that he is different, and that he wants to lead an original life. You are his forever intangible fantasy of the perfect union - of two lost souls being reconnected as if they were once a single entity, torn apart solely for the purpose of intertwining once more, of erecting a monument dedicated to indestructible bonds. The look in your eyes gave him pause as vividly as it did three years ago, and the smile on your face made him remember why he fell for you to begin with. Who knows when you shall meet again, and in truth it matters not if you will, for the real miracle and the most tragic yet blissful aspect of life, is that it moves on - always and without exception. 

I am becoming someone new again. This time I didn't want it to happen, but I guess the greatest transformations are the ones we don't see coming. I will not fight it, I will not raise questions towards it, because if I've learned anything is that the more I refuse change, the more brutally it knocks me down. I will stop doubting myself, and forcing myself to be perfect in ways I imagined long ago. My reality has shifted and I no longer need to cling to ideals I concocted in the past. Life unfolds, and I can either adapt or be run over by those who embrace every aspect of themselves - even the darkest corners. I think ... I think I'll end up being a better person, or if nothing else at least one who can wholeheartedly say that he has experienced as many things as the universe has to offer, and maybe one day becoming someone who not only writes stories, but also lives them.