Monday, May 3, 2010

The beginning of the end...

I'm surprised at how little they care. Was she really right about everything? Don't they realise that soon everything is going to change? We'll be setting off, each in our own direction, towards our individual goals. I guess I expected too much. A farewell we'll always remember is too much to ask for, or maybe they just don't care enough to make it happen...

When did I become this person? I've always needed closure, but I don't understand why I care so much about this. I guess I really have changed and to be honest for the first time I'm not sure I like it. I feel vulnerable somehow, like I'm standing in the middle of the highway, waiting for a truck to run me over. I could walk away, but where's the fun in that? It's turning out to be one hell of an ending and I have a feeling that the worse has yet to come. I know why this is happening. I chose for it to happen, when I decided on my path. Who knew that crossing over would be so difficult, if not impossible. My senses tell me there's a way, I just wish they would point me in the right direction...

She was right about many things, I just always hoped this wasn't one of them. I hate proving her right, but there's nothing more I can do. We just aren't where I thought we were and now sadly, as it seems, we can never be. But I'm fine, I really am. They're probably fine as well. I just wish we could be fine together...