As you would pass judgement on me, I have come to pass judgement on you all. You refuse to see what you have and what you might lose when all of it ends. You clinge to hope and false promises, not willing to see that this is the best you'll ever going to get. Right here, right now. There's no tomorrow, there's no yesterday. All we have is today. And what do you do? You throw it away. To have fallen so far and learned nothing - that is you failing...
I was deafened. I was broken. I was blinded. I have brought truth, and you condemn it, the arrogance! So you're saying it was all some master plan to take me down? That you've been working for them all a long? Your discontent sickens me. I don't know what's more pitiful. Me - for not seeing your deception or you - for thinking you could make a fool out of me. What, did you think you could just walk away from this? You don't seem to know me very well. The war, my "friends", has just begun. I was whole. At last, I saw. At last I could hear...
But I think I understand what happened. It is because you are afraid. Scared like a little mouse who is lost in the nethers. You were shattered once, as we were all and those who have been betrayed in their heart, will betray in turn. It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built. So this is the time for the truth to come out, no more regrets, no more fears, just us. Because heed my warning! It will all be gone tomorrow...