Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is the world we live in...

Don't you sometimes just wish you could take a sneak peak into the future and see the consequences of your decisions? I hate that I don't know what's the right thing to do, but even more so, I hate the fact, that I never really will. Maybe I should just flip a coin and let the all mighty universe decide, but you can ask the universe for signs all you want, yet ulimately we only see what we want to see, when we're ready to see it. And come to think of it, me and the universe are kind of in a bad place right now, so I guess the choice falls upon me and me

To live another day? Or to live right now? To live with them all? Or to live without? Should I stay? Or should I go? Too many questions to answer, to many questions to bear. Can't I just for once, feel like people care? The vicious cycle that is my life, always takes me by surprise, when I have nothing left to fight off my demise. So I clinge to hope, that one day maybe, she reveals that she was always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for my despair, so she could come in and make me whole again...

Oh baby, make me whole again...