Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All I've got is sinking sand...

I wish that love would never die.

I'm sorry. I know it means little at this point, but I am, and I really need you to realise that. I tried. I think if you knew the circumstances you would all agree that I tried - to be true, to be strong, to be kind, to love, to be right. I tried to overcome my greatest enemy, myself, yet as it seems I am as much of a victim of my twisted mind as all of you. I wanted to be better. I wanted to be better for you, but I wasn't, and I never will be. All is lost here, all is being washed away, except for my soul and body, that is, what's left of them. It's inexcusable, I'm certain of that. How it could have taken this long to admit this to you, I'm not sure. But it did. I'm fully aware of it now, and even though I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave, somehow I ended up hurting you, wounding you like I never thought I possibly could. I hope you know that I fought until the end. I'm not sure what that is worth, but know that I did. I'm sorry.