Saturday, November 16, 2013

Shining like a diamond...

Everything seems to be falling in place. The memories that tormented his sleep have lost their hold, and as he awakes from his deep slumber, the sunlight breaching through his window illuminates the past. He did not fail, he did not disappoint, and he was not taken advantage of. But in fact, he did the very best he could, and he received the very best in turn. There was no other way this tale could have unfolded - they are just too different, and their journeys are heading in completely opposite directions. For a moment there he had forgotten where he was actually going, and he let the sensations of today cloud the prospects of tomorrow. He never wanted this, he never wanted that life, so in hindsight, walking away was the best thing that ever happened to him. It pushed him to another level, to more eagerly plummet towards his every dream. In the pain there was healing, and as soon as he was able to let go of his pride, the truth was clearer than the skies after a heavy downpour. Who would have ever thought that the boy who writes so fiercely about love, is the boy who'll never again let it deter him from his goals. And in-there lies the tragedy of this story - the story of the boy who runs so fast he leaves burning footprints in his wake, the story of the dearly departed and the forever alone.