Monday, November 18, 2013

Young and beautiful...

There will come a time when I shall be reading everything I write today, and I will laugh. I will laugh at the top of my lungs at my youthful foolishness to believe, inspite of the world trying its hardest to crush my spirit. I'll laugh at my obscure tendency to make my every experience out to be the greatest drama since early man discovered the form. I shall laugh at my uniquely distorted view on reality, and how I, above all else, somehow need to feel pain where none really exists. There will come a time when everything will seem reasonable, and the feelings I'm feeling will make sense. A time when I'll be able to open my heart and with it, the inherent darkness which lies within. When I shall love greater than I have ever before, and when I'll truly be able to say that I've met someone who knows me, the uninhibited me, the Karr all of you get to read about day after day. Yet until such strands of time are woven, this is the walk, and this is my game face.