Saturday, November 23, 2013

Deep roots are not reached by the frost...

He grabs his sword, knowing full well that the battle cannot be won. The monstrosities have surrounded him, and they have enchanted the forest to emit a deafening screech - ensuring that the last thing he hears before he falls, are the screams of everyone he let down. They have bested him before the fight has even started, for our knight in blackened armour is fatigued and barely awake. Yet there he stands, as steadily and proud as ever. Foolishly he looks up at the stars and smiles. He is not afraid to die, he is not even scared of the pain. For this knight, your knight, has done the unthinkable - he has transcended beyond this world. Beyond the superficial, beyond the physically graspable, beyond words. Can you see it in his eyes? Can you feel it in his gaze? Can you sense it as he exhales? His veins are seething and even first blood does not quench his resolve. They hack into him, tore him asunder, and as he crumbles to the ground, a ray of moonlight breaches through and shines upon his heart. The meaning of it all eluding even the wisest of men.